вторник, 22 февруари 2011 г.

Smithsonian Museum will have a video game gallery next year, wants you to vote on what's in it

By Vlad Savov posted Feb 22nd 2011 11:10AM Nobody tell Roger Ebert, but the Smithsonian Museum has announced plans for a new exhibition, called The Art of Video Games, which will run between March and September next year. Charting the 40-year (now there's a number that will make you feel old in a hurry) evolution of gaming from paddle-based pixel exchanges to sophisticated online multiplayer extravaganzas, this collection of memoirs will focus on the most visually striking and technologically innovative titles. Perhaps knowing how heated debates about video games can get, the Museum has sagely decided to co-opt its audience into the curatorial process -- the second source link below will take you to a voting page where you can select your top 80 games from a shortlist of 240... and of course express your rage at the omission of some obscure title you totally loved late one night in 1995.
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