And did we mention there will be tons of serious giveaways for people in attendance? Because there will be. You seriously don't want to sleep on this. For instance, one lucky attendee to the event will walk away with a super limited edition gold Xoom (being gifted to this year's Oscar nominees). Check out an image and info after the break!
The all ages shindig will take place tonight, February 25 at City View at The Metreon, which is located conveniently in downtown SF. If you're a nerd in the city, you most likely already know what we're talking about. The doors will open at 6:30PM, and capacity is limited to 1200 people -- so if you want to get inside, get there early!
Update: A quick update on where to go -- the line is forming at 4th Street and Mission. Yes, there will be a line, but word is Sonos has brought a taco truck! Yes, free tacos starting at 3pm! [Scratch that, taco-palooza begins at 4:30!] Above, just one of the many giveaways -- a special, limited edition Xoom in gold. Here's what Motorola has to say about it: The limited edition gold Motorola XOOM in a custom leather envelope case is being provided to an exclusive group of stars--the hosts and nominees for Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress and Best Director.
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