събота, 19 февруари 2011 г.

Google, Best Buy, Sony and others form alliance to defend FCC's proposed 'AllVid' standard

We've already seen Sony, TiVo and others come out in support of the FCC's proposed CableCard replacement, known as AllVid, but it looks like they're now stepping up their game considerably. In a letter to FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski, the group -- which also includes Google, Best Buy, Mitsubishi and others -- has announced that they've formed the "AllVid Tech Company Alliance" in a concerted effort to defend the proposed AllVid standard, and counter arguments from those opposed to it -- namely, the National Cable & Telecommunications Association (or NCTA) and the cable companies that are a part of it. As you might expect, the Alliance isn't making a lot of new arguments, but it is stating its position pretty frankly, telling the FCC that "it is essential for the Commission to break down the wall separating the home network from MVPD [or pay TV] networks – not just poke a few holes in it, or rely on progress on the peripheries." You can find the complete letter (in PDF form) at the source link below.
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